Masculinization in male rats is inhibited by neonatal injections of dihydrotestosterone

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P. van der Schoot
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Paula D. M. van der Vaart
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J. T. M. Vreeburg
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Masculinization of the brain of the neonatal male rat is known to be dependent on testicular androgen, and leads to an absence of cyclicity in ovarian transplants in adulthood and inability to show lordosis in response to appropriate stimuli. While both brain and pituitary may be involved in neonatal testicular activation (Kawashima, 1964; Yaginuma, Matsuda, Murasawa, Kobayashi & Kobayashi, 1969; Goldman & Mahesh, 1970; Goldman, Quadagno, Shryne & Gorski, 1972; Arai & Serisawa, 1973; Arai, 1974), blood concentrations of gonadotrophins in male neonates are low or undetectable (Goldman, Grazia, Kamberi & Porter, 1971; Döhler & Wuttke, 1974). Dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP) is known to stimulate differentiation and growth of male accessory sex organs (Schultz & Wilson, 1974), and inhibit gonadotrophin secretion (Korenbrot, Paup & Gorski, 1975) but does not masculinize the brain (Luttge & Whalen, 1970; McDonald & Doughty, 1972). We therefore used this substance to determine whether gonadotrophins are required for the testicular activation which brings about masculinization of the neonatal male rat brain.


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